Wir sind auch Wien - Center for antiracist & antidiscriminatory Psychosocial Health
“To be surrounded
By women of colour
Is to heal
Which isn't to say that
Its their job to be a balm
But that this whole earth
Is a sharpened blade
And I’m grateful
To have found
The only place
Where i feel safe enough
To catch my breath
And let the wounds rest”.
– Safe Space, Jasmin Kaur
Image credits to Don Ace
What can we offer you?
BIPOC looking for psychosocial support
Get in touch with us to learn about 1:1 availabilities, groups for collective healing, or any other form of collaboration that you’re seeking.
Psychosocial pracitioners
Are you in training or already working in the field? Get in touch for 1:1 or group supervision settings, coaching and training opportunities.
White Allys
Are you a friend/family member/partner/colleague of a BIPOC or generally want to be a better ally? Find out more about our white ally coachings.
People in relationships with eachother
Learn more about our power-critical, antiracist and antidiscriminatory couples or relationship couselling.
If you looking for trainings for your employees, supervision for teams, stabilisation sessions for your members or process facilitation for leadership levels.
We love to hear your ideas for collaboration. Get in touch!
“We cannot think of being acceptable to others until we have first proven acceptable to ourselves.”
— Malcolm X, March 12, 1964
Some organisations, companies and events we were able to offer services to have been:
Culture School, Fem Med - Frauengesundheitszentrum, Lefteast, Maiz - Autonomes Zentrum von und für Migrantinnen, LEFÖ - Beratung, Bildung und Begleitung für Migrantinnen*, IBF - Interventionsstelle für Betroffene von Frauenhandel, Diversoviel, Asylkoordination, PROSA - Projekt Schule für Alle, Dokustelle, Augustin, Eurozine, Schwarze Frauen Community, Verein Fibel, Q:Wir, Brunnenpassage, Tandem Mobile Jugendarbeit, Neunerhaus, Kunsthaus Niederösterreich, BIPOC Book Festival, Diversoviel, Queerbase, Aux Gazelle Afriques Festival, Tipping Points, Brut, Undok, res:hift, Antirassismus Konferenz, ,
Some of our past projects are:
Community Empowerment Workshop - Workshop als Teil des Kunsthaus Niederösterreich
Literatur als Empowerment Tool i’m Kontext von Diskriminierung - Workshop als Teil des BIPOC Book Festival
Community Care Workshop - Workshop im Rahmen des Afriques Festival, Aux Gazelle
Self & Community Care for Activists - Workshop for Tipping Points: Skills & Methoden für Soziale Bewegungen
Rassismus in Gemeinschaft Erleben - BIPOC Empowerment Space - in Kollab. mit Miteinander Mensch für Diversoviel
BIPOC Empowerment - für die Sommerakademie der Asylkoordination zum Thema Rassismuskritische Schule
Oppressive Systems & Psycho-Bio-Social Health Modul for Peace Studies students of University of Innsbruck
Being BIPOC in the psychosocial field - for Mental Health Awareness Week of University of Vienna
Being BIPOC in the psychosocial field - for Psychotherapy students of the Sigmund Freud University Vienna
BIPOC Student Empowerment - for Black History Month 2022 by ÖH University of Vienna
Celebration of the Self - Centering BIPOC Joy - 5 part Summit put together in collab. with The BIPOC Circle & FemRef ÖH Uni Wien
(Mental) Health Manifestations of Racism - Vortrag für die Ringvorlesung “Rassismen & Antirassistische Kämpfe in Österrerich”
BIPOC Empowerment - bei der De/Kolonisierung des Wissens Konferenz an der Akademie der bildenden Künste
Navigating Care in Social Justice Movements bei Dokustelle
WienWoche 2020: Power and Privilege - Self Reflection - Interactive exhibition
BIPOC Reading Circles
”Wie es ist, wenn Studierende von der Uni heilen müssen” - Article for Bundesvertretung ÖH Wien
Self Care and Community Care in Activism - Workshop for Dokustelle Wien
Psychosoziale Praxis- für wen? - 2 Part Article for Therapie Mal Anders
Being a BIPOC practitioner in the psychosocial field - Workshop for psychology/psychotherapy/social work students at Humboldt University Berlin
„Wir sind auch Wien! Zur Wichtigkeit von Community Räumen für Personen mit Rassismuserfahrungen - Workshop for Verein Fibel
”Rassismuskritik am Bildungssystem - Wie lässt sich Universität rassismuskritisch gestalten?” - Podiumsdiskussion organisiert von Mitarbeiter*innen des Instituts für Anglistik und Amerikanistik in Zusammenarbeit mit der Abteilung für Diversität und Gleichstellung der Universität Wien